Singapore Packaging Star Awards (SPSA) 2021

The Singapore Packaging Star Awards (SPSA) 2021 Call for Entries is now open!

The Singapore Packaging Star Award (SPSA), organised by the Packaging Council of Singapore (PCS), an industry group under Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), is a prestigious national award honouring companies with innovative and creative packaging designs for their products. It recognizes and rewards excellence in packaging, in areas of construction and materials usage, design, innovation technology and environmental consciousness. This year, SPSA will be adding a new category, Point of Sale for both commercial and student entries. The Award is presented to companies and students as part of the efforts from packaging and printing industry to promote local designs and increases the standards of packaging production.

Singapore Packaging Start Awards (SPSA) 2021 winners will receive a trophy and a packaging excellence certificate where they can prominently display in their company. SPSA 2021 winners will also be featured in the SPSA 2021 Winners Booklet. Lastly, winners of the SPSA will have the right to use the logo of the SPSA 2021 in any of their advertising collaterals.

Only winners of this national award are eligible to participate in the regional Asia Star Packaging Award and the global World Star Packaging Award.

Please refer to the entry forms below for commercial and students to register and participate in the awards.

Do note that the submission deadline is on 31st May 2021.

For more information, please contact SMF’s PCS secretariat Ms Vivian Lim at 6826 3074.

Singapore Packaging Star Awards 2021 – CALL FOR ENTRIES
SPSA Commercial Category – Entry Form
SPSA Student Category – Entry Form